Important Tips - Creating A Web Apps
In past decades; programming language wasn’t that easy as it is today, then you have to be
well educated on programming before you can create an application because of its complex nature.
But today you will agree with me that programming language has been made easier than one can imagine.
Everyone can create an application just with simple steps as long as you are computer literate.
Once you understand what typically goes into creating a new web, you will be better prepared to
examine existing webs; as well as creating your own. You will be able to avoid unnecessary pitfalls,
and potentially save you and your company embarrassment.
Before doing anything else; the first step to creating a successful web page is to put a web plan in place.
Benjamin Franklin once wrote in Poor Richard’s Almanac ‘A little neglect may breed mischief:
• For want of a nail, the shoe was lost;
• For want of a shoe, the horse was lost, and
• For want of a horse, the rider was lost’.
You don’t want your site to become lost in the Web Shuffle. A clear understanding of what goes into
creating a good web, coupled with intensive planning before you begin producing any web content; will help you
create a clear reason and plan of attack that could save you countless hours of damage control later.
Remember, the competition site is only a click away.
The word ‘Web’ can be quite vague and it would be best if we clear up any confusion as to what
we mean by this term and all it entails. The name Web relates to DOCUMENTS written in Hyper Text Mark Up Language
(HTML) located in a unique location [URL] and file names.
But in FrontPage Context, it is a specially designated Folder Location, or site, on either your hard
drive or on a Web Server. Within a web’s folder sometimes called the ROOT FOLDER, there can be multiple web pages.
FrontPage Based web is a container to store and manage related files.
A web is not to be confused with the World Wide Web, or the Web, which is a system of Internet Servers that store; or host,
individual webs. We will use these terms synonymously:
• Site
• Web
• Web site
And we will use these interchangeably:
• Page
• Web Page
A good example of a large web is Microsoft’s site. The web is located at; ( It contains Millions of sub-folders, such as the FrontPage Folder and individual Web Pages. As large as it is, the Microsoft Web is only a small part of the World Wide Web.
You have to view the World Wide Web as the supreme public library with millions of books (Webs).
Each book has its own pages (Web Pages) that cover a particular subject. And as you might expect, some books are
best sellers and others never been read.
Creating a Web can be distilled into the following cyclical process:
• Planning – Which we get to in a moment; is the most overlooked stage, even though it’s the first site. So don’t forget this statement;
a life without plan is a life planned to fail’.
• Producing – which makes up the bulk of this course, includes the actual creation of the web and its content; the building,
connecting and maintaining of web pages.
• Publishing – This is the last stage which means putting the web somewhere, typically on a Web Server,
so that it will be accessible to your audience.
We will look at how easy it will be creating a multi-device application in a simple format.
You must know that programming needs much attention and focus than typing in other text editors like words etc.
We are about to start but first of all lets have the little knowledge of what we are about to build.
Web pages are ordinary files written in programming languages like Java, Python, Hyper Text Markup Language [HTML] etc.
Here we are going to look at one of the simplest form of programming language, HTML.
Hyper Text Markup Language is code which is used in a text editor like Note Pad, and other text editors;
when viewed in a browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, and other browsers will be
seen as beautiful designed pages. However; code under web page may be complicated, so to design a HTML web
page you have two options:
You can use a web page editor like Microsoft FrontPage to create web pages. It works exactly like Microsoft word
[a complicated editor program used for creating and editing.
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