Online Marketing – Traffic the Soul of Internet Marketing!!
Online Marketing Sites = Products or Services + Ads = Traffic Flow
QUESTIONS - we are asked often when starting online business: •Do you want to start ONLINE MARKETING business? •Do you have the INTENTION of establishing a successful business online not just any how business? •Do you know the fundamental truth about Online Marketing business? •Do you really want to follow the leads of the successful in this industry? •Do you know where to get proven and tested products that will put smiles on your face? •Do you think you can achieve your dreams – through this industry? • Do you know why many Succeed – and never quit in this business? If your desire is to achieve success online; you’ve to be stronger than you have ever been. I was ones like you – with the zeal to succeed through online marketing but failed to follow the proven part initially; and it cost me dearly. The only way one could succeed in whatever thing he or she engaged in is to follow the fundamental truth of that particular business or job. Each industry has its own method of production, distribution, advertising and employment. But the most important part is the advertising section which tells if a company will succeed or not. Why? If a company’s or organization’s products fail to reach the last consumers, all the productions, time, money, and energy are all wasted. So, companies have device ways to reach the consumers right at the comfort of their homes through online marketing programs. Million and one companies are looking for platform to run their Ads to create the awareness of their products. Not just any how platform; but successful platform that has what it takes to reach hundreds, thousands and millions of people out there.
How can this be possible; you may ask right! It is possible through the methods listed below because many have used these methods to create channels of wealth. When I started it was like a fairy tale – which never existed and I know that many out there still have such believe. To be honest with you, this is one of the medium one can be built financially and otherwise; if followed the principle or golden rules of this industry. You’ll not only be financially built but also you will have successful business foundation that will always return much more than you give in. Then you’ll have the fulfilled life you dreamed for years. Like I said earlier; I thought it was a myth until I saw the returns then I decided to give – up my job out there and face online marketing business squarely. One thing I leant within my early years in this business is that, it requires– Online Keys To Success..
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Patience
- Perseverance
- Focus Mind and
- Determination
If truly you want to create a massive wealth of income not just get rich quick stuff; you have to give in more of your time. Another thing I learnt was, there are two categories of people in this industry. 1. The Eagles: - These are the honest and faithful; successful men and women of this industry that lead people to online marketing success. They are people with pure hearts and transparency. 2. The Turkey: - These are the dishonest and unfaithful; unsuccessful men and women of this industry that rip people off their money. Find Out How they Operate So you are advised to put to test every person you come across in this field to see who and what he or she is and has to offer. One thing I will not fail to let you know which is the standard to find out Who is Who in this industry is – • The Eagles don’t advertise get rich quick stuffs as their method of marketing but to teach you how you can establish a successful online marketing business. See the Turkeys always use the most attractive means to entice people [i.e. A Click for $1,000 or New Software Copy and Paste for $3,000 a day] and with this they will tell you to sign up with just little amount; so be careful; be wise and follow logical steps of this game. Note that making money online requires these three things. i. Something to sell ii. A website that makes the sale iii. People coming to that site [ called traffic] Actually, the first and second required things above could be easy to acquire but the third is where the major problems are. People are the live wire of online marketing business. So I ask these questions – • Can one succeed without TRAFFIC? • Traffic is it really the LIVE WIRE of online marketing business? ![]()
Let see the Traffic Methods of Ads. Advertisement – called ADS are the channels through which you create the awareness of your products, or products of the company you’re representing as an Affiliate. So the two listed methods of generating traffic are used to reach the prospective clients or customers. P.S- There are two Traffic methods of Ads – Free which requires your energy time and creativity and the Paid which you leverage other people platform when you don't have one, which involves money also to run the ads.