Responsive Lifestyle - Living To Be YourSelf
Build a Highly 'Responsive Lifestyle' because there's no such thing as the 'PERFECT'.
This might be unlike any article you've read because it is all about building a fulfilled life you'll be proud of.
All is not about wealth or riches, but how well is one's life viewed by others around him or her. How do people talk
and rate your lifestyle? Do you impact people positively or you're the type that cheats to enrich your pocket? 1. Maybe you're seeking the quick, easy way to get where you want to be no matter how; you don't care. 2. Maybe you've seen the success of others and wished to scale through or; 3. You may be sick and tired of wasting time, strength and money on that you're doing now which have left you
frustrated with no solutions of breaking through the wall of disappointments; eventually achieve your dreams. One thing we must remember is that nature has a way it forces us to go extra - miles in achieving what we desire.
You have to know that disappointment is one of the lessons through which nature compels us to make some changes
in our life. Sometimes we fail to understand this and it becomes problem to us, making some of us
clueless in what we really want and definitely we can't tell what the actual problem is. Now I want you to picture exactly what responsive lifestyle is all about. If you fail to be honest with yourself,
you'll always find it difficult to coop with people; definitely that will affect your dreams. Success works with
honesty and integrity and sincerity to become visible. Don't think that only way to achieve your dreams or goals
is to bend others under your feet; such success brings heartache in the end.Responsive Lifestyle - Be YourSelf My aim in writing this article is to create positive attitude in you reading this now; to view life challenges
with an OPTIMISTIC MINDSET. Believing that IMPOSSIBILITY never exists no matter how hard the blows of
disappointment had been. Believe that you can attain any level of success in life through upright ways.
Having been through up and down hills in life and have viewed the situations and what the future holds; I then thought
of how to help people like me who are still in dark of doubt to believe that they can achieve their dreams
in life, through clear and honest routes. I so much love the writings of Napoleon Hills; everywhere I go and things I do; I use them as my backbone
besides the Word of God. The Great Writer says and I quote: 'A genius is simply one who has taken full possession of his own mind and directed it toward objectives of his own
choosing, without permitting outside influences to discourage or mislead him. Such is a famous man who
turned adversity into advantage, who overcame great obstacles to become rich and famous. He is the successful
person who converted stumbling block into stepping stone'.What else can I say besides these powerful motivational words from the great writer to ginger you up?
If you fail to take the will power built in you by God, no one will ever do that for you. Dare to get more; then dare
to be more. Many have taken their lives because of frustration, Many have gone insane because they couldn't bear the blows of disappointment, Many have quit their jobs, families you name it because their struggles for years could only earn
suffering and tears. Don't allow your present situation dictate the life you have to live; always stand above it to view the
brightness of the future. Also go through the testimonies of others that have been through hard time and succeeded;
which I believe will give you reading this now the will mind, encouragement, and never say die attitude to view your challenges in positive ways. It will motivate you to hold on,
helping your guts to withstand all problems present while building
a solid foundation for the future. You should know that 75% of the successful went through fire
several times and at different stages and heat; but were focused, persistent and determined. So do not meander through life opportunity and take full possession of your lifestyle. One can only win the
fight if he or she sticks to it and devises different method or approach when the present plans fail. To me 'Creativity' is the closest link to success - while Responsive Lifestyle solidifies success.
Live the life you and the people around you will be proud of. Intelligence is the product of Creativity which is the best link to Success. With a focused mind and
perseverance, Success is not far from your reach. Don't let Fear hold you to captivity, take the bold step now to take
up that you desire no matter what people say, don't give in to their discourage word. Learn to be yourself.
There are thousand and one motivational write - ups online you can take up now.
With Positive Lifestyle, lives will be saved. More motivational Here! P.S - You're a Winner, Believe in Yourself and Let Your Lifestyle Win the Battle for You.
There are Million+ Opportunities Online and around you. Take time and see
the one that suits you best.![]()