Important Tips - Building Multi Device Web Apps
You’ve heard that Mobile is the kind of big deal now. 20% of Internet traffic
is coming through Mobile devices. To be on the winning side, you have to transform
your traditional desktop focused web apps into fast, effective Multi Device Apps.
Guidelines – using HTML Language 1. Create your content and structure: - You must identify the content you need first, sketch out
information on Narrow and Wide viewports. You can create the content and style on rough information
architectural form before entering it into the real page. You must know the sections you need,
the content to display in those sections and where to position it. 2. Create the Headline and the form: - The headline must be well explained in your content.
Headline is very sensitive in web designing because it might drive away your prospects or attract them to take action.
The headline and request notification form are the critical components of your page.
They must be presented to the user immediately. The form must be simple – with the user(s) name, their phone number, email address etc.
The forms must have labels and placeholders to make them easy for users to understand what is supposed
to go in them. 3. Create the video and information section: - This section should be a little more depth.
It should have a bullet list of your products and also contains video placeholders that will show your products.
Use “video control poster=”The name of your video file, and where is located”. 4. Create the images section: - Your site looks more attractive with images. You have to
use both Content Images and Stylistic Images in your site. The content images are used in describing your
content and products while the stylistic images are used to beautiful your site; i.e. the background image.
You must use few images in a page because too much of it may cause your site to be slow in loading. Note that
people don’t like wasting much time waiting for sites that are slow; when there are thousands of sites available. 5. Create a Table section: - This section shows the list of your products statistics.
Tables should be used only for tabular data i.e. Matrices of products information.6. Before you enter your content and all other information you need; start your web apps with –
“doctype html” “Meta name=“viewport” Content=”width=device-width, initial-scales=1.5”. Note; each
section starts with the tag “div id” i.e. “div id=”headline”, “div id=”section1”. Use this tag when
creating form; “form method=”post” id=”register” after the headline/header. Don’t forget to use these
two signs [<] and [>] before and after tags. 7. Create the footer of your site: - Most sites need footer to display information like,
Term and Policy, Privacy, Disclaimers and other content that isn’t meant to be in the main section.
So get to work and get it done. You have to evolve with time and information because in the near
future, Mobile devices will take over internet traffic. Build your Multi – Device Apps with ease now. Multi Apps Ebook- Start Today With Just A Click..