Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Self Development - Responsive LifeStyle

Responsive Lifestyle - Living To Be YourSelf

Build a Highly 'Responsive Lifestyle' because there's no such thing as the 'PERFECT'.

This might be unlike any article you've read because it is all about building a fulfilled life you'll be proud of.
All is not about wealth or riches, but how well is one's life viewed by others around him or her. How do people talk
and rate your lifestyle? Do you impact people positively or you're the type that cheats to enrich your pocket? 1. Maybe you're seeking the quick, easy way to get where you want to be no matter how; you don't care. 2. Maybe you've seen the success of others and wished to scale through or; 3. You may be sick and tired of wasting time, strength and money on that you're doing now which have left you
frustrated with no solutions of breaking through the wall of disappointments; eventually achieve your dreams. One thing we must remember is that nature has a way it forces us to go extra - miles in achieving what we desire.
You have to know that disappointment is one of the lessons through which nature compels us to make some changes
in our life. Sometimes we fail to understand this and it becomes problem to us, making some of us
clueless in what we really want and definitely we can't tell what the actual problem is. Now I want you to picture exactly what responsive lifestyle is all about. If you fail to be honest with yourself,
you'll always find it difficult to coop with people; definitely that will affect your dreams. Success works with
honesty and integrity and sincerity to become visible. Don't think that only way to achieve your dreams or goals
is to bend others under your feet; such success brings heartache in the end.
Responsive Lifestyle - Be YourSelf
My aim in writing this article is to create positive attitude in you reading this now; to view life challenges
with an OPTIMISTIC MINDSET. Believing that IMPOSSIBILITY never exists no matter how hard the blows of
disappointment had been. Believe that you can attain any level of success in life through upright ways.
Having been through up and down hills in life and have viewed the situations and what the future holds; I then thought
of how to help people like me who are still in dark of doubt to believe that they can achieve their dreams
in life, through clear and honest routes. I so much love the writings of Napoleon Hills; everywhere I go and things I do; I use them as my backbone
besides the Word of God. The Great Writer says and I quote: 'A genius is simply one who has taken full possession of his own mind and directed it toward objectives of his own
choosing, without permitting outside influences to discourage or mislead him. Such is a famous man who
turned adversity into advantage, who overcame great obstacles to become rich and famous. He is the successful
person who converted stumbling block into stepping stone'.
What else can I say besides these powerful motivational words from the great writer to ginger you up?
If you fail to take the will power built in you by God, no one will ever do that for you. Dare to get more; then dare
to be more. Many have taken their lives because of frustration, Many have gone insane because they couldn't bear the blows of disappointment, Many have quit their jobs, families you name it because their struggles for years could only earn
suffering and tears. Don't allow your present situation dictate the life you have to live; always stand above it to view the
brightness of the future. Also go through the testimonies of others that have been through hard time and succeeded;
which I believe will give you reading this now the will mind, encouragement, and never say die attitude to view your challenges in positive ways. It will motivate you to hold on,
helping your guts to withstand all problems present while building
a solid foundation for the future. You should know that 75% of the successful went through fire
several times and at different stages and heat; but were focused, persistent and determined.

So do not meander through life opportunity and take full possession of your lifestyle. One can only win the
fight if he or she sticks to it and devises different method or approach when the present plans fail. To me 'Creativity' is the closest link to success - while Responsive Lifestyle solidifies success.
Live the life you and the people around you will be proud of. Intelligence is the product of Creativity which is the best link to Success. With a focused mind and
perseverance, Success is not far from your reach. Don't let Fear hold you to captivity, take the bold step now to take
up that you desire no matter what people say, don't give in to their discourage word. Learn to be yourself.
There are thousand and one motivational write - ups online you can take up now.
With Positive Lifestyle, lives will be saved. More motivational Here! P.S - You're a Winner, Believe in Yourself and Let Your Lifestyle Win the Battle for You.
There are Million+ Opportunities Online and around you. Take time and see
the one that suits you best.

Important Tips - Creating A Web Apps

Important Tips - Creating A Web Apps

In past decades; programming language wasn’t that easy as it is today, then you have to be
well educated on programming before you can create an application because of its complex nature. But today you will agree with me that programming language has been made easier than one can imagine.
Everyone can create an application just with simple steps as long as you are computer literate. Once you understand what typically goes into creating a new web, you will be better prepared to
examine existing webs; as well as creating your own. You will be able to avoid unnecessary pitfalls,
and potentially save you and your company embarrassment.
Before doing anything else; the first step to creating a successful web page is to put a web plan in place.
Benjamin Franklin once wrote in Poor Richard’s Almanac ‘A little neglect may breed mischief: • For want of a nail, the shoe was lost; • For want of a shoe, the horse was lost, and • For want of a horse, the rider was lost’. You don’t want your site to become lost in the Web Shuffle. A clear understanding of what goes into
creating a good web, coupled with intensive planning before you begin producing any web content; will help you
create a clear reason and plan of attack that could save you countless hours of damage control later.
Remember, the competition site is only a click away. The word ‘Web’ can be quite vague and it would be best if we clear up any confusion as to what
we mean by this term and all it entails. The name Web relates to DOCUMENTS written in Hyper Text Mark Up Language
located in a unique location [URL] and file names. But in FrontPage Context, it is a specially designated Folder Location, or site, on either your hard
drive or on a Web Server. Within a web’s folder sometimes called the ROOT FOLDER, there can be multiple web pages.
FrontPage Based web is a container to store and manage related files.
A web is not to be confused with the World Wide Web, or the Web, which is a system of Internet Servers that store; or host,
individual webs. We will use these terms synonymously: • Site • Web • Web site And we will use these interchangeably: • Page • Web Page A good example of a large web is Microsoft’s site. The web is located at; (http://www.microsoft.com/). It contains Millions of sub-folders, such as the FrontPage Folder and individual Web Pages. http://www.amazon.com/dp/4985124 As large as it is, the Microsoft Web is only a small part of the World Wide Web. You have to view the World Wide Web as the supreme public library with millions of books (Webs).
Each book has its own pages (Web Pages) that cover a particular subject. And as you might expect, some books are
best sellers and others never been read.
Creating a Web can be distilled into the following cyclical process:
Planning – Which we get to in a moment; is the most overlooked stage, even though it’s the first site. So don’t forget this statement;
a life without plan is a life planned to fail’. • Producing – which makes up the bulk of this course, includes the actual creation of the web and its content; the building,
connecting and maintaining of web pages. • Publishing – This is the last stage which means putting the web somewhere, typically on a Web Server,
so that it will be accessible to your audience. We will look at how easy it will be creating a multi-device application in a simple format.
You must know that programming needs much attention and focus than typing in other text editors like words etc. We are about to start but first of all lets have the little knowledge of what we are about to build.
Web pages are ordinary files written in programming languages like Java, Python, Hyper Text Markup Language [HTML] etc.
Here we are going to look at one of the simplest form of programming language, HTML. Hyper Text Markup Language is code which is used in a text editor like Note Pad, and other text editors;
when viewed in a browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, and other browsers will be
seen as beautiful designed pages. However; code under web page may be complicated, so to design a HTML web
page you have two options: You can use a web page editor like Microsoft FrontPage to create web pages. It works exactly like Microsoft word
[a complicated editor program used for creating and editing. The E-book On HTML Program and Web Development to put YOU through - Click Now

Healthy Recipes - Healthy Living Healing, Prevention and Infection

HEALTHY RECIPES - Healthy Living

Healing and Prevention for Those Who Want to Stay Healthy

The nutritional, preventive, culinary values of the foods listed are for healthy living if followed:-
This write – up is from my personal experience; most of the food we eat causes us ill – health.
I am not boasting about it, God has been my health and strength for over 25 years now I have never been to
HOSPITAL for any illness. Note that Wealthy is not Healthy but Health is Wealth. They are two different things
if you understand what I mean. So you’re the one to tell yourself exactly what you want in life. But it does not means that you should have self – diagnosis or self – treatment without consulting a qualified
physician on that particular illness you’re passing through – or better still when you notice uncommon
symptoms in your systems. You must also know that inappropriate use of these recipes or food can cause
allergic reactions in sensitive person – so caution is to be applied to avoid that.
  • Take more of the whole wheat bread – especially the sugar free and it’s good for any diabetic patient.
  • Take more of the vegetable juice – where is difficult to have the juice, you can slice or chop and
    boil and eat.
  • Take more onion, garlic, ginger etc boiled or cooked
  • Take more of the nuts, fruits – cucumber, avocado, watermelon etc
  • Take less of flesh [beef, poke] etc – substitute with baked soya bean [Tofu]
  • Take more water and less alcohol drinks and sugary drinks
  • Take more of the grain foods, bean foods
  • Take less of the fried foods and can foods [preserved]
  • Take less of fatty foods – cause one to be overweight and it can cause cancer so you’re
    advised to stay fit
  • Do not expose your skin in the sun – when it’s at the peak; the early morning sun is much better
    than the late morning and afternoon – Especially children should not be allowed
  • Always follow the prescription of the medical professionals to be on the safe side
  • In the case of infection or fever – more clean water is need to help eliminate the toxic that cases that
    and low-fat and easy to digest foods are needed also to keep the body free from the infection.
    Hands must be washed regularly with clean water [running] and soap because most of the bacteria are carried
    through our hands.
  • More tomatoes, potatoes can be cooked or baked – oranges, melon can also be peel and chop
    and grind – in the case where it’s difficult to grind can be eaten after peeled or chopped. If grinded, honey can be added – mix – vegetable, paw paw all grind
  • Do not smoke and if you smoke, you must stop it as fast as you can –
  • Do not stay in the same room or spot where people smoke – because you that are not
    smoking inhales the 70% of the exhaled smoke
  • Do not take alcohol drinks or spirited ones
  • Take more of vegetables, fruits and cereal foods with high fiber more often
  • Fatty foods cause one to be overweight and it can cause cancer –
  • Do not expose you skin in the sun when it’s at the peak – the early morning sun is
    much better than the late morning or afternoon – especially children should not be allowed.
  • Always follow the prescription of the medical professionals to prevent cancer. Always go for
    checkup – 3 months is ideal period for men but women should often check their breast and also participate in
    any of the screening program to be sure of cancer free.
• Vegetable Juice – tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, cauliflower, garlic, ginger • Stuffed Pepper – garlic, tomatoes, tofu, almond soup, whole rice, rep pepper, autumn cabbage • Soya bean – cooked or baked • All types of salad mixed with carrots, peas, red pepper, beans and also rice • Chest nuts, broccoli, red beet – cooked, almond grind, hazel nuts grind Remember an apple a day keeps you away from the doctor and also a glass cup of milk and a
hand full of cashew nuts is very important at night – to rest properly after the hectic day. More Information on Health & Fitness Tips: Health is Wealth!!!

Do You Require This ........ I think so

The food you eat can kill you. Get the best diet advice from Doctors and Dieticians directly
from our daily blogs. Do you know that 10% of human dry weight comes from bacteria? One Apple a Day keeps you away from sick bed.Your Healthful Living........ Onion and Garlic family are very good to control the level of illness P.S- Do you know that Onion Family helps to relieve gas and indigestion, ease heart burn,
reduce high cholesterol levels, ease disabling joint pains, prevent and control recurring coughs and colds.

To mention but few. You're advised to spice your food with fresh garlic and onion family and ginger rather than
the chemical spice you use. Health & Fitness Program!!

Seven Important Tips - Building Multi Device Apps

Important Tips - Building Multi Device Web Apps

You’ve heard that Mobile is the kind of big deal now. 20% of Internet traffic
is coming through Mobile devices.
To be on the winning side, you have to transform
your traditional desktop focused web apps into fast, effective Multi Device Apps.

Guidelines – using HTML Language
1. Create your content and structure: - You must identify the content you need first, sketch out
information on Narrow and Wide viewports. You can create the content and style on rough information
architectural form before entering it into the real page. You must know the sections you need,
the content to display in those sections and where to position it. 2. Create the Headline and the form: - The headline must be well explained in your content.
Headline is very sensitive in web designing because it might drive away your prospects or attract them to take action.
The headline and request notification form are the critical components of your page.
They must be presented to the user immediately. The form must be simple – with the user(s) name, their phone number, email address etc.
The forms must have labels and placeholders to make them easy for users to understand what is supposed
to go in them. 3. Create the video and information section: - This section should be a little more depth.
It should have a bullet list of your products and also contains video placeholders that will show your products.
Use “video control poster=”The name of your video file, and where is located”. 4. Create the images section: - Your site looks more attractive with images. You have to
use both Content Images and Stylistic Images in your site. The content images are used in describing your
content and products while the stylistic images are used to beautiful your site; i.e. the background image.
You must use few images in a page because too much of it may cause your site to be slow in loading. Note that
people don’t like wasting much time waiting for sites that are slow; when there are thousands of sites available. 5. Create a Table section: - This section shows the list of your products statistics.
Tables should be used only for tabular data i.e. Matrices of products information.

6. Before you enter your content and all other information you need; start your web apps with –
“doctype html” “Meta name=“viewport” Content=”width=device-width, initial-scales=1.5”.
Note; each
section starts with the tag “div id” i.e. “div id=”headline”, “div id=”section1”. Use this tag when
creating form; “form method=”post” id=”register” after the headline/header. Don’t forget to use these
two signs [<] and [>] before and after tags. 7. Create the footer of your site: - Most sites need footer to display information like,
Term and Policy, Privacy, Disclaimers and other content that isn’t meant to be in the main section.

So get to work and get it done. You have to evolve with time and information because in the near
future, Mobile devices will take over internet traffic. Build your Multi – Device Apps with ease now. Multi Apps Ebook- Start Today With Just A Click..

Tips For Instant Improvement - Write With Ease

Tips For Instant Improvement on Lit – Writing

Creativity is a mindset factor. Improvement is achieved through constant practice.
And perfection comes; when mistakes have been made and corrections taken.

People love writing but when it comes to writing a book, few endure the pain to survive the hurdles.
Often; those of us starting, find it difficult to write because we are intimidated by the inner critics.
Especially when fear of grammatical error creeps in, the heckle fires to destroy the zeal that has been built.
My advice to you this year 2015 is; Keep on trying and never give up; don’t let the burning desire in you
burns out because of that threat. Guides Use simple words – Every one of us has his or her method of writing. You are advised to use the
words that you can easily define in a sentence or grammar. Make it simple and do not use long sentence
or chained sentences because it might be difficult to fix words appropriately and readability. A sentence starts with
eight words for clear understanding. Use words that ‘Show’ more than the words that ‘Tell’ – Creating a clear picture in the mind of the
reader, it is best to implore the words that show the true feeling. It creates the visibility
of what you have in mind.

Interpretation should be in few occasions; ‘Action’ should be adopted more. When action is
used in the place of interpretation, the plots become crystal clear. This also helps you to use active words
instead of passive. The story full of suspense, intrigue and actions motivates the reader to find out the next plot
or the end. Note; Passive Words are correct, people prefer Active Words to Passive. Each paragraph must be well translated in such a way that its setting, plot, dialogue, monologue, imagery, theme etc.
will be easily digested. When these things cannot be identified, the picture it should create
in the mind of the reader will be lost completely. Take the narrative method than the informational style.
Simple, and to the point narration is the best; it helps for easy understanding. With this; the image will be meaningful
in the sense that the reader will feel it. Use emotional power words when summarizing your book. Writing in third person present tense is the best;
so you write not as the owner of the book. You are to keep it short not thousand words but 200 words is perfect.
Do not use supine plots, use words that captivate because ‘Summary’ is one of the keys that creates
the hunger in people to read more. Also power words should be implored here. These things make the grammatical error – Contextual Spelling, Punctuation Marks, Style,
Sentence Structure, Grammar [Use of Words]
Writing should be fun not boring; the simple way to make it easy and fun is writing when you have something
to write about. Improve your writing skills with the simple method of writing in the comfort of your couch.