Saturday, 14 February 2015

Marketing Article - Free Traffic

Free Methods Of Traffic


Advertisement – called ADS are the channels through which you create the awareness of your products 
or products of the company you’re representing as an Affiliate. So the two listed methods of generating traffic
below are used to reach the prospective clients or customers. There are two traffic methods of Ads – Free,which requires your energy time and creativity and
Paid that you leverage other people platform to run the ads. Free Traffic – These are free channels or platforms in which we advertise or reach our intended customers. • It is slow in reaching the prospective customers • It takes more time than the paid to generate income • It requires determination and regularly updates • It works much better and fast in terms of returns when you havealist of your own –
so starting is often the problem.
Now here are the Free Traffic channels: -
1. Article Marketing – This is magnificent form of creating the awareness of your niche or products.
Article marketing is all about revealing the problems that people face in life.
Stating clear the causes and telling them how to solve it or prevent it. It does not need thousand words –
at least in an explicit statement or language and to the point; 400 or 500 words are ideal.
If you have written a descriptive essay, you can write an article that will captivate your readers to ask for more.
But you have to be honest if you want them to trust you. Site, you can post your free Articles,are or,etc.
Get Ebook on this Article Internet Fact File 2. Content Marketing – This method of generating traffic does not require many words like Article.
In an article, you only use it to build the trust and confidence of your readers.
You don’t necessary pitch in article marketing, but bringing them to your site not so with content marketing.
Here you pitch that you represent with few words. Content marketing does not need a page or more before it could generate clicks or get the
attention of your customers. A well-written content is that with captivate headline or title.
The main body explains the benefits that the person will get if they do what you want them to do. And not by a force but willingly -
and follows will be the persuasive method for them to take action in their own best interest.

3. Search Engine Optimization [SEO]– This is one of the best ways to create the awareness of
your products or niche to the public. The tactic here is that our sites get listed in the venerated
top ten search results. In this case, we can’t trick the search engine like Google, Yahoo, etc. – so best way,
we can be lucky, is to provide reach content website. Your site must be helpful to people and have more quality information.
In this method, the organism called crawler picks sites richcontents at random, so quality content is required
here as we said earlier. Helpful information for people is all that is need here.Get Ebook on this Article Internet Fact File 4. Classified Ads – This is another method you can use to advertise your products.
This does not work out easily likeothers;it might or might not function out, so it is mixed act in terms of
results. You might be lucky to get sites that sale ad like classified Ads; so you’re advised to adopt
every means possible to your online success. 5. Viral Marketing – This is another method one can attract customers through the use
or means of this statement; ‘use that in your hand to get that you want’. Example;You want customers
to come to your site to buy your products or what you offer, and you don’t have a list of your own.
Then you assigned one of your products to a particular list owner to give to his or her list members for FREE –.
Through this method the list owner will be able to provide a quality information or product out for free gaining
trust from his list members.And you the owner of the product has your link in the product you gave to him;that for sure,
the customers interested in what you offer will visit your site for the product. So it’s all gain and win - win game.
The best product or commonest of this; is small E – book or Software. 6. Blog Publishing – This is super charge among all the other Free Traffic Methods.
Why? Because you have the right to design it to your taste; it is basically the same as a website.
When the blog site is rich with great content, the search engine and people will pick note of it.
The advantage to a blog is that you can have some interactive moment by letting people comment.
It can be structured in a way thatit will be easy for people to read – plus, you can offer
an RSS feed for those who prefer that method of getting content automatically. 7. Forum Participation – This method is both for learning and selling your idea. Participating in vforums helps you share your knowledge and also obtain knowledge through the questions and answers offered by
the forum. But your focus must not be in selling or advertising your products rather it should be means of
buying the trust of people in that forum. Many people have made much through this medium because of their honesty.
But if you have more time than money at this point in your life these techniques will
work to get traffic to your site.

8. Ezine Publishing – Publishing an ezine is highly profitable and easy to do. All, you have to do,
is to gather information on a particular subject that could be of people’s interest;
write about it and create the awareness through free ads publication like ezines, etc.
If you want to get more traffic to your site, it is advice that you publish
it free, and when the traffic surges, then you can decide to sell when you must have built your list. The little we can take on Free Traffic method – which I call the invisible leadership where one
stays in lonely hours toils in his or her craft behind closed doors. No one celebrates it;
even you might be mocked, teased and ridiculed by your friends and family.
The inside critics fire off heckle as soon as you begin – fears, discouragements and doubts if what you
are doing will ever work or pay or reward your efforts. Yes, no one pays for that in fact it cost time,
energy and often money. But the joy comes when the seeds you sow in silence and tears and pains eventually produce a public
harvest greater than you can imagine. Traffics begin to flank, and money begins to surge as many demands your products.
This is mostly invisible at the beginning
but invisible through your achievements. Repeated! So stay focused and find the very possible ways to achieve your online dreams. Get Ebook on this Article Internet Fact File Get More to help you achieve More – ClickBank Programs

Monday, 2 February 2015

Time Does What Your Effort Can’t Do

Time! Time! Time does the work for me

Online marketing is a clear written success in the minds of those that follow Time, work with Time,
saves Time and allow Time to act. What is the Meaning of Time to You? Maybe it is: • System for distinguishing events – which you use to measuring the occurrence of two events
in interval at the same space of time • Period with Limits – which all your efforts come to end with specific results. Or • Period with No Limit – which brings all your efforts, decision, action and passion to a
running over Success with no end.

Every effort we give in a job or work has its own rightful time. Time constructs the space that success fills.
But when we fail to understand the sentences of time, things became impossible to us.
The mountain seems not climbable, the river swells higher than the ocean, the hill cripples the strength
of the walking feet and the valley turns to the deepest pit. There is nothing like failure to one who takes time to work.
Such is always ahead of others because he or she puts and uses time in different methods or ways
to achieve his or her dreams. The Night Scenario: I needed water to prepare my dish for the next morning, the tap runs a drop at a time
‘tom, tom, tom’.
I became confused and impatient about the situation then a thought came in.
‘Why don’t you put the bucket under the tap before morning, you will certainly have water you need.’
I said, ‘Oh that’s a very long time to wait.’ ‘Give it a try and go to bed before morning you will be surprised.’
My Inner man reprimanded. Quickly I put it under the tap, the first drop ‘tom’, followed the second ‘tom’.
I went out to do other things. Could you believe before morning I had bucket filled with water? I had much water than
I wanted, which my effort couldn’t do. How happy I was seeing that time has turned the drop of waters into a
bucket of water. Time is the key success online marketing business. When you set your time well, the system or the
program you’re running will turn that time to success. Time is very important if you must succeed in your endeavors.

All you have to do is to set that you’re doing right; give Time a chance to do the work for
you and the success results would surely follow.
Allowing time act gives the work positive returns. We often destroy things that could yearn much in future
because we refuse to allow patience and time to act in the place where our efforts are weak. Online Marketing game has been the modernized business made easy for everyone. No language barrier,
education, social status or what have you required but TIME covers all. Also; the knowledge of
using the internet plays key roll. And lastly; the ability to neutralize information; works with TIME.
Knowledge is meaning less when people cannot make use of it.
Time for change in your online business has come. After all effort fixed; a system set up well, and then Time does the work for you.
Be sure you have the right System set up and watch Time do the magic for you.
Ebook Here! Clickbank System Setup Figure System Setup

Headline Writing First Thing First

Online Marketing Headline – First Thing First

There are lots of things to learn; when one is starting any form of business, not with only Online Marketing
business, but also in other businesses. The fundamental TRUTH of such; is the KEY to success in
any of these businesses and that is why I said, anyone that wants to succeed in whatever he or she does,
must be keen to INFORMATION. Because you cannot hit a target that is invisible to you, aimless shot means no target.
And you cannot conceive what your mind has no knowledge of. So your expectations will be met base
on the level of your knowledge, the more you RESEARCH and DIGEST the information within your reach, the more
you will GROW in knowledge of the business you’re in. Also Note, if you must have good work; you have to practice and practice and practice.
Let me use myself for example; if you have ever read my eBooks, you must have heard me said ‘I built my world around INFORMATION.' Exactly, I am the type that
always desires having a book AUTHORED by me after
reading various articles on:

1. Stage Presentation 2. Podcasts 3. Webinars 4. And all other forms of Marketing Online If I fail READING/WATCHING/LISTENING to these things listed above, how can I write or explain to
someone who needs to know what I have learned? Could there be a magic that will work it out for me without writing
and writing about these things to have the full knowledge I desire? How can I achieve my goals or dreams without
practicing? That is why I will never forget this saying, ‘A Talent without Practice Is Heading to Its Demise’. You must do all you desire in the right direction knowing where you’re coming and where you’re going;
I said this again and again. If not, you will never get to your destination, ‘meaning your goals will not be achieved’.
In every ADVERT, there are things that matter most and which helps one to succeed in his campaign.
And Online Marketing is all about creating the awareness of your product/service to millions who surfer
around the net. Some might have a specific product in mind or some might not. But the most important part of this is how
to attract them to that you’re selling or adverting. First thing, which matters most here, is the HEADLINE or TITLE of your Ad. Headline is fundamental to Online Marketing.
Headlines are one of the keys to successful Online marketing campaigns. It should be the magnetic force that pulls your
prospects or readers. It might be solo Ad that is specific or targeted; it might be content marketing that also goes
with the headline, article marketing, blogging or social methods. Whichever form, you chose to run your Ads,
boils down to the same thing. Now how do you know HEADLINE or TITLE that will attract clicks and conversions? There are different types of headlines depending on your choice of usage.
And I, personally chose to name them in this way: 1. Social Fact Headlines 2. Menace Headlines 3. Reward Headlines Each one of the above headlines has a method that suits it and it must correspond to the body of
your campaign. Many use different headlines with different body contents to deceive the readers just like the INTERNET TURKEYS. Note; honesty and integrity are
the best way to keep your list members or your readers’ faithful making them trust every word you passed across.
The killing tricks behind the successful pulling traffic on social media are better and intriguing HEADLINES.
Sure everyone wants something that will attract them without a second thought, and that is the work of
well written HEADLINES. This will also keep the conversation alive as your customers, prospects and partners on this media
will engage themselves finding out more from you. But some of the sites like TWITTER LINKEDIN and FACEBOOK are full of information that
I call information CHANNELS. Mostly we often encourage clicks to our campaign site or landing pages, which require
constant updates with content that will generate more clicks. A content, that generates clicks,
is not necessary to be a page; it might be content of Ten words, Eight words or Three lines sentences and so forth. You must also know that status UPDATE of some of these media loses value in no time.
Especially Twitter update loses its value in few days, so if it did not generate clicks within the time posted and few days,
it would never get clicks because Twitter updates has short life span. So building a perfect platform on
HEADLINE writing puts you ahead of others. And be sure to go back to your headlines over and over before posting.
Testing the headlines is also the best way to know the one that gets more attention of people, and you are
advised to use it over and over again. Having well knowledge of HEADLINE writing will make you
stand out in terms of:

• Social Page Headlines • Blog Post Titles • In – Person Sales Communication • Book or Report Titles • Presentation Titles • And many more By this, you will have people to say YES to your ‘call to action’ (CTA); more and more will be
attracted to your niche with a genuine purpose of patronizing your products or services. Note that;
‘A great WRITER is known by the TITLE or HEADLINE of his book/article. Let us see the above listed HEADLINE METHODOLOGY to enable you understand where each falls.